Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

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Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

Important 225 Inf.Div. German Cross in Gold grouping to Hptm. K.

Seltener Nachlass Deutsches Kreuz in Gold des Hptm. K. in der 225 Inf.Div.

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
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Los K-8045
EAN 2000000663326
Los K-8045
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
EAN 2000000663326
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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los K-8045
EAN 2000000663326
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Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold


Family purchased grouping available to the market for the first time! It came straight of his son!

Comprehensive grouping to Hauptmann Bernhard K, recipient of the German Cross in gold. He served from 26.8.1939 until 8.5.1939! He served as a group leader, platoon leader, company and even battalion commander! From 1939 until November 1944, K. served with Grenadier Regiment 376 which was part of 225 Infanterie-Division. From November 1944 until 8.5.1945 he served with Alarm Btl.225 and Feld Ers.Btl.225. He was wounded five times! He was part of the Demjansk and Kurland battles. He survived 22 days of close combat.

The grouping contains a collection of photo albums of historical importance going back to 1939-1945! Albums which we have never seen set up like that! Every album is set up as a war diary and provides a deep inside of his wartime history! It does not only provide all information you can imagine of him, but also of his unit's history! He planned to publish a book originally as his son told us! There are hundreds of hand-written pages!

A very very rare grouping of historical importance!

Medals & awards:

German Cross in Gold in case of issue. A near mint example by Zimmermann. Fantastic condition! "20" maker marked to the reverse of the pin. No damage to the enamel.
Weight: 44,8g
Matching case of issue. Working correctly but taped to the bottom part by the veteran after the war.

German Cross in Gold. Cloth type. Unworn. A very special type of an unknown maker which is rarely seen. Excellent!

1939 Iron Cross 1st Class on L58 marked screw-back. Nice condition. Brass core. In matching case of issue with black inlay (incomplete). Opening and losing correctly. 
1939 Iron Cross 1st Class without case. Unmarked. Looks like a piece by Meybauer. Very nice condition.
Two unmarke Iron Crosses 2nd Classes with ribbons. Nice condition.

Demjasnk shield with original cloth and paper backing. Nice condition. Unworn.

Infantry Assault Badge in silver. Zinc. Hollow. Unworn.

FLL made Close Combat Clasp in bronze. Worn. Maker marked. Nice condition. Bronze finish nearly worn off. 
A very nice Souval made period time Close Combat Clasp in bronze. "R.S." maker marked. Nearly 100% of the original bronze finish. Back-plate missing. 

Zinc Wound Badge in silver. 65 marked. In matching "S&L" marked back of issue in good condition.

HJ leader's Sport's Badge. Numbered. Well worn. Good condition. RZM M1/101 marked.
A mint L/11 marked Wound Badge in black, his East mEdals and a shooting badge. Sport's Badge in cloth. His ribbon bar.

- Certificate to the German Cross in Gold issued on 18.3.1945 to Oberleutnant K. serving as leader of "Feld-Ers.Btl.225". Facsimile signature of Keitel. Folded once. Two holes.
- Certificate to the Iron Cross 1st Class issued on 3.1.1943 to K. as a Leutnant serving with II./Gren.Rgt.376. Ink signature of the division commander. Not folded. Two holes.
- Certificate to the Iron Cross 2nd Class issued on 21.12.1940 to K. as a Unteroffizier serving with I./Inf.Rgt.376. Ink signature of the division commander. Not folded. Two holes.
- Certificate to the Close Combat Clasp in bronze issued on 20.4.1944 to Oberleutnant K. serving with I./Gren.Rgt.376. Issued on 20.4.1944. Folded once. Two holes. Signed by the regiment commander. 
- Certificate to the Demansk Shield issued on 1.4.1944 to Oberleutnant K. serving with I./Gren.Rgt.376. Signed of age. Folded, taped. Holes.
- Certificate to the East Medal. Folded. Two holes.

A large size color service time certificate dated 7.10.1937. Folded. 


Two single shoulder boards as well as a pair of officer's collar tabs and one unworn officer's breast eagle.
Officer's dagger portepee. Visor cap's chin strap. 


Small private holiday album:
32 postcards from "1926 until 1929". Private holidays. 
Another small postcard album "1930".

Important large size photo album set up like a war diary providing full information on his entire service time! A treasure trove for every historian!

Large size album "Mein Kriegstagebuch" document the time from "26. August 1939 - 24. Januar 1940".
218 photos in total. 
Damage to the cover (separated. Taped). 

Album documenting the year 1941. Most of the photos were taken in France.  127 photos in total. 

Album documenting the year 1942 which is mainly on the battle of Demjansk.  109 photos in total. Damage to the cover. Separated. 

Album documenting the year 1943. It starts with photos of the funeral of Knight's Cross recipient Oberst Lorenz. 63 photos in total. 

Album going back to June 1944 when his "Stoßetrupp" was on a propaganda trip through German visiting certain HJ units together with Reichsjugendführer Axmann. Axmann is show many times on the photos. The album comes with several newspaper articles about their visit. A very rare album! 78 photos in total.

Album documenting the year 1944 and 1945. This album only comes with 15 photos but with all information on his entire service time you can think of and of course with full documentation on the years 1944/45. All his promotions are listed, all his campaigns (including demjansk and Kurland), his injuries and all medals he was awarded!

There are the original Soldbuch pages inside this album listing his close combat days with date and locations. 22 in total! Furthermore, one original promotion certificate.
Damaged to the cover. Taped.

Visor cap:
An infantry officer's visor cap. White piping. Period time hand-attached embroidered officer's insignia. Silk lining with a celluloid diamond. One small "cut" to the piping. No moth damage.
A bit out of shape. Size 56.


Black leather holster for a 7,65 pistole. Marked inside. Good condition. Soft.

HJ knife with maker "Hartkopf & Co." RZM marked. A used knife in good condition. Original paint to the scabbard. 
A long green "Reserve hat Ruh" ribbon. 

A large quantity of cigarett cards, small military instruction manuels, postcards etc.... Various cigarett card albums and books. A period time relief decoration.

A few medals and certificates are still with his son! We are in good contact and hope to get the remaining pieces from him but can not guarantee. 


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Historische Informationen


Deutsches Kreuz in Gold


28. September 1941 als Militärorden in zwei Ausführungen. Eine Sonderstufe, das Deutsche Kreuz in Gold mit Brillanten, wurde geplant und es wurden Prototypen hergestellt.


Die goldene Ausführung wurde für mehrere außergewöhnliche Taten der Tapferkeit oder Führung und die silberne Ausführung für außergewöhnliche Taten in der Truppenführung verliehen. Die Verleihung des Eisernen Kreuzes 1. Klasse, der Spange 1. Klasse, oder des Kriegsverdienstkreuzes 1. Klasse war Voraussetzung für die Verleihung des Deutschen Kreuzes. Das Deutsche Kreuz befand sich oberhalb des Eisernen Kreuzes 1. Klasse und des Kriegsverdienstkreuzes 1. Klasse, aber unterhalb des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes bzw. des Ritterkreuzes der Kriegsverdienstkreuzes.


Das Deutsche Kreuz wurde auf Beschluss der Oberbefehlshaber der drei Wehrmachtsteile verliehen.

Das Deutsche Kreuz wurde von fünf bekannten Herstellern und vielleicht ein oder zwei noch unbekannten Firmen hergestellt. Bekannte Hersteller sind Deschler & Sohn, die das Kreuz entworfen haben, Gebrüder Godet, C.E. Juncker, C.F. Zimmermann, und Otto Klein.

Frühe Kreuze sind unmarkiert, ab Ende 1942/Anfang 1943 wurden die Kreuze mit den Präsidialkanzlei- Nummern der Firmen gekennzeichnet.

Aufgrund des schweren und etwas grossen Charakters der Auszeichnung wurde im Juni 1942 eine Stoffversion genehmigt. Die Stoffversion ist mit acht verschiedenen Un iformfarben zu finden: Feldgrau (Armee), Dunkelblau (Marine), Blaugrau (LW ), Schwarz (Panzerstreitkräfte), Steingrau (Sturmgeschütz), Oliv (Africa Heer), Hellkhaki (Africa LW), und Weiß (Sommeruniform).


Genaue Verleihungszahlen sind nicht bekannt, aber die genauesten Schätzungen basierend auf erhaltenen Dokumenten sind 25.964 für die Ausführung in Gold und 2.471 für die in Silber. Elf Soldaten wurde mit beiden Ausführungen ausgezeichnet.

Die Kreuze wurden hauptsächlich bei der Präsidalkanzlei gelagert, registriert und von dort ausgegeben. Es ist möglich, dass in den Personalbüros der drei Wehrmachtsteile geringere Stückzahlen gelagert wurden.


Das Heer stellte vorläufige Besitzzeugnisse im Format A5 aus, gefolgt von einem größeren (356 mm x 254 mm) Dokument. Die Luftwaffe und die Kriegsmarine haben nie vorläufige Besitzzeugnisse ausgegeben, nur die förmlichen in der gleichen Größe wie die des Heeres.


Das Deutsche Kreuz wurde auf der rechten Uniformseite an der Brusttasche getragen.
