46th Contemporary History Auction

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0473 |

„Sonderkommando Ju52 Mausi“ Nachlass Hauptmann Hermann

„Sonderkommando Ju52 Mausi“ Nachlass Hauptmann Hermann

LOS 57-0473
Auktion beendet        5. March 2022   |  19:14
EXKL. AUFGELD: 22,50 %

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Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 57-0473
EAN 2000000535586
Los 57-0473
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
EAN 2000000535586
Epoche 1918 — 1945
Land Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
Los 57-0473
EAN 2000000535586

Deutsches Reich 1918 - 1945
„Sonderkommando Ju52 Mausi“ Nachlass Hauptmann Hermann


Family purchased grouping of Hauptmann Hermann, born on 14.8.1908. An early DLV member who joined the Luftwaffe in 1936. He started serving with Kampfgeschwader 51. From September 1940 until April 1941 he served with „Sonderkommando Ju52 Mausi“. A rare Luftwaffe anti mining! He served with Kampfgeschwader 30 in 1942 before he was sent to Nachtjagdgeschwader 1 and served as Jägerleitoffizier. Finally to Nachtjagdraumführer 6. In 1944, Hermann was sent to the Heer serving with Feldeisenbanwerkstättenabteilung 10.

The grouping is available on the market for the first time and came off his daughter. Hermann had joined the NSDAP on 1.5.1935 and served as a Luftwaffe observer. He was missed in action during the France campaign and captured by the French. He served with Kampfgeschwader 51 when his aircraft was shot down. Rescued by German troops he suffered pneumonia shortly after. He was in mortal danger as several documents part of this grouping confirm. Hermann has survived the war and died in 1989.

Iron Cross 2nd Class certificate with original ink signature of Ritter von Greim. V. Flieger-Korps stamped. Folded once.

Certificate to the Observer Badge. 1940 issued. DIN A4. Folded twice.
Certificate to the Squadron Clasp for Kampfflieger in bronze. June 1941 dated. Ink signature of the commander of Kampfgeschwader 30. Folded once.

1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Unmarked.

Early tombak Observer’s Badge in case of issue. Made by Juncker. Lovely patina! An untouched and uncleaned badge.
JUNCKER maker marked.

Blue case of issue. Gold lettering „Beobachterabz.“ to the top. Blue velvet inlay. Silk lining. Opening and closing correctly. Good condition.
Squadron Clasp for Kampfflieger in bronze. A nice early tombak example in lovely condition.

Blue case of issue. „Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger bronze“ lettering to the top. Silk lining. Opening and closing correctly. Good condition.
Zink War Merit Cross 2nd Class with swords.

Luftwaffe ID tag. Aluminum. Original cord.
So-called „Bierzipfel“ of his time as a student at the university.

Wehrpaß issued on 30.1.1937 with an original attached photograph showing Hermann in DLV uniform! Full of entries with a lot of unit information, promotion, award entries and a lot more.
Awards: Iron Cross 2nd Class, Squadron Clasp, Observer Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class

A long list of campaigns includes notes to his enemy missions. Missions as „Jägerleitoffizier“. Serving again England, in France, Norway, Denmark, Serbia, Greece.
All pages complete. A very comprehensive Wehrpaß.

A yellow „Fliegerhorstkommandantur Memmingen“ ID card with original applied photo.
A blue-grey Luftwaffe Observer ID Card with original applied photo with notes up to 1945. A blue Luftwaffe-related ID card with originally applied photograph.

His DLV member’s booklet as well as many other period time documents and cards.
His death card. Hermann died in 1989.

A wooden letter opened commemorating his time in Athens in May 1943. „Andenken an das Feldeisenbahn-Kommando EAW Piräus.“ Signatures of his unit comrades.

Four amazing photo albums from excellent historical quality with a lot of information written by Hermann describing his time in war. Including a lot of unit information.

Small album "Als Fliegersäugling":
1936 album with photos of his time joining the Luftwaffe. 61 photos in total including some taken in the air.

Small album "Aufnahmen von den schönsten Städten Italiens" containing 58 photos of Italian cities he had taken during a front vacation in Spring 1942. By a dedication shown on the last page you can tell that he shipped it home to his wife as a present. 

A tiny album with flowers he collected at all fronts. Crete, Greece, Norway, Belgrad etc...

Large size orange album presented his wife on new years eve 1942:
The album describes his year 1942 and starts with two portraits of him and his wife.
The first photos were taken on Christmas 1941 when serving with Stabsschwarum IV./ Kampfgeschwader 30. He comprehensively describes his service and time and unit to help his wife understanding about his service time. 

The first photos were taken in France In March, he was sent to Foggia, Italy. There are fantastic photos taken inside his Ju88 and in the air during a mission.
The next pages are about his service in Norway (Banak airport). On one photo he wears a Gebirgsjäger uniform. Part of the album is a "Banak" certificates. A traditional citation unit members were given up in this area.

The next pages show pictures taken in Denmark and Belgium. In August, he was medically examined and refused to serve with a Stuka unit again. He was then sent to Nachtjagdgeschwader 1 on 16.9.1942 to serve in Belgium. Many photos are documenting his time with NJG1. His Gruppe had destroyed 96 enemy aircrafts at that time. 
A very nice album containing 174 photo. All pages and photos complete. A few pages loose.

Red album showing taken in all countries he had served.  160 photos in total. The last wartime photo was taken in 1945 in Zaprecisch near Agram! Followed by a few postwar photos taken during a veteran meeting. Many photos taken during his time serving with Eisenbahnausbesserungswerk (EAW) 10 in Serbia.

Over 450 photos in total!
