SS Honor Ring

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SS Honor Ring

SS-Ogruf.v.d.Bach-Zelewski - SS Honor Ring 24.XII.1933

SS-Ogruf.v.d.Bach-Zelewski - SS Honor Ring 24.XII.1933

LOT 27-0001
Sold through our auction in December 2017
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LOT 27-0001
EAN 2000000225150
LOT 27-0001
COUNTRY Deutschland
EAN 2000000225150
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COUNTRY Deutschland
LOT 27-0001
EAN 2000000225150
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SS Honor Ring

Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski (1899 - 1972) was a high-ranking Waffen-SS commander in the rank of a SS-Obergruppenführer. He is infamous for leading the brutal suppression of the Warsaw Uprising During in 1944. Von dem Bach-Zelewski Despite was also in charge of the anti partisan campaigns (Bandenbekämpfung) during WWII.  His responsibility for numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity, Bach-Zelewski did not stand trial in Nuremberg, and instead was used as a witness for the prosecution. He was later convicted for politically motivated murders after the war and died in prison in 1972. All items to von dem Bach-Zelewski listed in this auction came straight from his daughter about one year ago. It was now consigned for auction by the collector who purchased his grouping from his daughter. All items are available for the first time on the market.
Personal SS Honor Ring of Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski including an original photo taken in 1942 showing Bach-Zelewski wearing this ring. 
A very special ring. Not only for its owner but also for the ring being the very first and extremely rare pattern. Today, only 7 rings are known. The recipients received the ring on 24.XII.1933 as a Christmas present by Heinrich Himmler. Known recipients are Franz Xaver Schwarz, Karl Wolff, Fritz Schlegel, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewksi, Wilhelm Reck, Walter Darrè and Ulrich Graf (Gottlieb, Craig: The SS Totenkopf Ring, p. 40,41). Two types of the 1933 dated rings are known whereas this ring is the 1st type. The original award document of Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski's SS-Totenkopf remains in a private collection today. It is shown on page 67 of Gottlieb's "The SS Totenkopf Ring".
The rings shows extensive signs of wear. It was worn for over 10 years. Bach-Zelewski needed to size down the ring in 1943/44 since he lost a lot of weight due to serious health problems (his diary is known to us). Therefore, a small plate was period time added covering the area which had his name engraved. The plate was again engraved with his name "d.Bach-Zelewski". The full engraving reads: S lb. v.d.Bach-Zelewski 24. XII. 1933 H. Himmler". You can see the original engraving carrying on underneath the plate.
The original diameter is 22mm. 
The ring was kept in an old private case which is not an official case of issue.
An extremely rare piece of historical important.

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