Cross of the Order Breast Star

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Cross of the Order Breast Star

Prussia - Black Eagle Order Breast Star

Prussia - Black Eagle Order Breast Star

ITEM K-7468
Sold through our shop in January 2022
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PERIOD until 1918
COUNTRY Imperial Germany
MATERIAL gold, silver
DIMENSIONS 97.8x96.5
OEK 1581
MAKER view maker
WEIGHT 103.1g
LOT K-7468
EAN 2000000585208
LOT K-7468
PERIOD until 1918
COUNTRY Imperial Germany
EAN 2000000585208
MATERIAL gold, silver
DIMENSIONS 97.8x96.5
OEK 1581
MAKER view maker
WEIGHT 103.1g
PERIOD until 1918
COUNTRY Imperial Germany
LOT K-7468
MATERIAL gold, silver
DIMENSIONS 97.8x96.5
EAN 2000000585208
OEK 1581
MAKER view maker
WEIGHT 103.1g
Imperial Germany
Cross of the Order Breast Star


Breast Star to the order in silver, gold and enamel. The star was made by J. Wagner in Berlin and shows the typical makers mark below the needle hook as “W”.

Since most stars were made in small batches, one can find very often sequential roman style numbering on those stars. This example was mismatched and has the needle marked “I” matched to star body marked “II”. Very interesting feature.

Beautiful star with powerful design of Prussian’s highest order decoration.

Historical information
Award period
1701 - 1918
Institution date
January 17, 1701
Instituted by
Elector Friedrich III of Brandenburg

The Prussian Order of the Black Eagle was created on January 17, 1701, by Elector Fredrik III. Of Brandenburg as a house order. The order was awarded to nobility only in it’s beginning. Only in 1847 so-called capitular knights were entered into the order while being raised into nobility. The order had one class only but could be awarded with chain by the king. The recipient automatically wore the highest class of the red eagle order as neck decoration.
